Dan Flavin @ Dia Beacon
On February 16th, 2024, I took a day trip to Beacon, NY. Part of my trip included a visit to "Dia Beacon", an art museum. Check out more from the museum here.
While the first image you see when looking up this museum is of Michael Heizer's art, you'll probably see at least one photo of Dan Flavin's works. While at first "untitled (to a man, George McGovern) 2" seems like just a collection of ceiling lights arranged in a triangle, the way it just sits in the corner is alluring. The warm yellow in the dark white room really just draws you in. There are a few of his works scattered in this part of the museum but this one is by far my favorite.

Arguably, there are probably more interesting works of Flavin in the museum, but this one I like a lot.

And these are red!
Learn more about Dia
Dan Flavin's Exhibition @ Dia
More info on Dan Flavin @ Dia Beacon